Jim Callahan, Board Member-at-Large, Orange County Democratic Executive Committee
The proposed office raises voting rights questions because of the combination of an at-large district and voting power equivalent to two votes.
Single member districts, as opposed to at-large districts, provide opportunities for minority votes to be counted and voices to be heard. Recently Osceola County and the City of Kissimmee have faced lawsuits that required them to go from at large representation to single member districts, as had Orange County a generation earlier.
Controversial issues often result in close votes, with the tie breaking vote, the proposed chair would have in effect two votes which would dilute the power of the existing board members who are elected from single member districts.
With our rapidly changing demographics, it is not clear, going forward, who will be in the majority and who will be in the minority, so minority voting rights should be important to everyone.
As one who has participated in many single member redistricting efforts since 1991, I am alarmed at the creation of an at large district with the equivalent of two votes.